Stylage S M L – Filling & smoothing wrinkles
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As a result of the natural course of aging, the skin loses its natural elasticity and we may notice first wrinkles on its surface. With time wrinkles get deeper and turn into unaesthetic lines. As a result, the face starts to look tired, saggy and less radiant. It’s time to put an end to the ageing process!
A UNIQUE FILLER FOR EACH TREATMENT AREA the STYLAGE® Classic line is specifically designed to improve the appearance of superficial lines (STYLAGE® S) and moderate to severe wrinkles (STYLAGE® M and L).
After a careful personalized facial analysis, the physician will be able to determine the best possible STYLAGE® treatment plan for you based on your needs, skin condition, age, lifestyle and depth of the wrinkle.
- Correction of fine lines and superficial wrinkles (crow’s feet, glabellar frown lines, perioral lines), tear trough area treatment under the eye.
- Filling of medium to deep naso-labial folds, smoothing of wrinkled and sagging areas, marionette lines, cheek wrinkles, hollow temple area, nasal hump reduction or nasal tip lift, earlobe reshaping.
- Hand rejuvenation including volume loss treatment on the back of the hands.
Exist also with 0,3% of Lidocaine